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Address of record

Published on Jun 17, 2019

Section 54.1-2400.02.B of the Code of Virginia requires the Department of Health Professions (DHP) to collect an official address of record from each health professional to be used by DHP for agency purposes. The Code also requires DHP to provide an opportunity for a health professional to provide a second address for the purpose of public dissemination. If there is no second (public) address provided, the official address of record will be used as the public address for the purpose of public dissemination. If the health professional would prefer that his/her address of record remain confidential, then an alternative public address must be provided to DHP. (Note: the License Lookup feature on the DHP public website does not contain the full address. However, public addresses are available by contacting Virginia Interactive Premium Service or the Board.) An individual is not required to submit a place of residence for either the official address of record or the public address. A post office box or a practice location is acceptable.

Changes to either address may be made at the time of renewal or at any time by written notification to the Board. Changes to the address of record may also be made at any time by accessing your licensure information through the online system. Any change that is made to one of the addresses does not automatically update the other address. Address information should be kept current for the address of record and the public address (if different from the address of record) at all times.

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Virginia Board of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology | Contact the Board
Kelli Moss, Executive Director
Melissa A. McNichol, Au.D., CCC-A, Chair