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Healthcare Workforce Data Center


 Virginia’s Department of Health Professions’ (DHP) Healthcare Workforce Data Center (HWDC) is pleased to announce the launch of its new 2023 digital Behavioral Health Dashboard. Read More...

The Department of Health Professions Healthcare Workforce Data Center works to improve the data collection and measurement of Virginia’s healthcare workforce through regular assessment of workforce supply and demand issues among the over 62 professions and the over 500,000 practitioners licensed in Virginia by DHP.

DHP healthcare workforce data is provided online to ensure accessibility of the findings among healthcare decision makers, hospital systems, academic institutions and constituents statewide.

Screens of the Workforce Data Center website

Data Products

Profession Reports
The HWDC Profession Reports are the mainstay of the HWDC's data products. They provide a statewide look at the healthcare workforce on a profession-by-profession basis. Profession reports are published following the end of the data collection period. Profession reports include HWDC CareForce Indicators as well as more detailed information pertaining to the professions.

This tool provides customized visualization and data for our audience. The seven dashboards in this section inform students, policy makers, program designers, healthcare practitioners, and the general public about issues related to Virginia's healthcare workforce. The focus of the dashboards ranges from informing healthcare career choices, healthcare workforce availability and statistics across the state, to county level information on different healthcare professions and fact sheets on each profession.

Virginia Healthcare Workforce Briefs
The Healthcare Workforce Data Center's Virginia Healthcare Workforce Briefs provide timely indicators of the strength of Virginia's healthcare labor market in an accessible format. Information in these briefs is based on data provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics and the US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. The briefs consist of three series:

  • Series 1: State & National Employment (Monthly)
  • Series 2: Virginia Regional & Sectoral Employment (Monthly)
  • Series 3: Income & Compensation (Quarterly)

Occasional Papers

Presentation to the Board of Dentistry Licensing Workgroup: Virginia Oral Health Workforce

Full Report. The Impact of the Coronavirus on Licensed Healthcare Workforce Unemployment in Virginia

Report 1. The Impact of the Coronavirus on Licensed Healthcare Workforce Unemployment in Virginia: Trends

Report 2.

Report 3. The Impact of the Coronavirus on Licensed Healthcare Workforce Unemployment in Virginia: Differences by Primary Work Setting

Virginia's Oral Health Workforce: Planning Districts

Pathways to BSN, a look at Virginia's Registered Nurse Workforce

Retirement Intentions for Assisted Living Facility Administrators

Retirement Intentions for Dentists

Retirement Intentions for Funeral Service Providers

Retirement Intentions for Licensed Clinical Social Workers

Retirement Intentions for Licensed Clinical Psychologists

Retirement Intentions for Licensed Professional Counselors

Retirement Intentions for Nurses

Retirement Intentions for Nursing Home Administrators

Retirement Intentions for Physicians

A Peek into VLDS: A Retrospective Look at Recently Graduated Registered and Licensed Practical Nurses

Methodology & Glossary

Methodology & Glossary

Data Collection

The Virginia Department of Health Professions provides voluntary surveys to Department of Health Professions’ licensees through the Department’s online application and renewal processes. Survey reports for each profession are released a few months after the end of each renewal cycle.

Surveys in collection, grouped by renewal date, include:

Every March:
Assisted Living Facility Administrators
Funeral Service Licensees
Nursing Home Administrators

Every June:
Clinical Psychologists
Licensed Professional Counselors
Licensed Clinical Social Workers
Non-Clinical Masters Social Workers
Qualified Mental Health Professionals-Adult
Qualified Mental Health Professionals-Child
Speech-Language Pathologists^

Every December
Dental Hygienists^^
Licensed Veterinary Technicians††
Pharmacy Technicians

December, Odd Years
Physician Assistants†
Radiologic Technologists†
Respiratory Care Practitioners†

December, Even Years
Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine†
Medical Doctors†
Occupational Therapists†
Occupational Therapy Assistants†
Physical Therapists
Physical Therapy Assistants

Every October*
Certified Nurse Aides*
Licensed Practical Nurses*
Nurse Practitioners*
Registered Nurses*

*Nurses renew biennially during their birth month on an ongoing basis.  Our data collection period for nurses runs from October to September.  Each survey report and data release is based on a rolling two years of data.
** The first Nurse Practitioner collection ran from March 2011 to February 2013. Subsequent  collections will conform to the Nursing schedule.
†Renew every other year during their birth month.
††Beginning in 2018
^Beginning in 2020
^^Beginning in 2022. Dentists and Dental Hygienists renew annually during their birth month on an ongoing basis.

Initially, the HWDC provided analytic support for surveys created by DHP’s regulatory boards or committees of professionals. Over the past few years the HWDC has adopted a standardized survey template.; Since our renewal cycles are measured in years, the HWDC is continuing to implement the standardized template for currently surveyed professions, as well as expanding it to new professions. The healthcare workforce operates largely within a national market and the HWDC is working with HRSA's National Center for Health Workforce Analysis as it develops national standards and minimum datasets.

Section 54.1-2506.1 of the Code of Virginia provides for the Department's collection and maintenance of HWDC data for workforce and health planning purposes.  HWDC data are released in aggregate reporting only unless record-level information is required for the purpose of determining shortage designations. The Department has now become a partner agency within the Virginia Longitudinal Data System (VLDS).  VLDS provides an effective way for partnering state agencies to enable data sharing with qualified researchers using rigorous standards that meet or exceed all state and federal confidentiality requirements.  In situations in which the VLDS data is not appropriate, HWDC will consider data requests from qualified researchers on a case-by-case basis. For further details, contact the DHP HWDC office.

The healthcare workforce operates largely within a national market and the HWDC is working with HRSA's National Center for Health Workforce Analysis as it develops national standards and minimum datasets.

HWDC Roadmap - road sign image
Looking for a career in healthcare?
Healthcare Occupational Roadmap: An Exciting Career in Healthcare Awaits

Download the HWDC Roadmap press release

Partnerships & Resources

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Virginia Health Workforce Development Authority