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About the Health Practitioners' Monitoring Program

In 1997, legislation was passed requiring the Department of Health Professions (DHP) to maintain a health practitioners’ monitoring program that provides an alternative to disciplinary action for qualified healthcare practitioners with a substance use diagnosis, a mental health or physical diagnosis, that may alter their ability to practice their profession safely.  Since then, Virginia’s Health Practitioners’ Monitoring Program (HPMP) has helped hundreds of healthcare professionals navigate recovery and return to practice healthy and safe.    

HPMP is a recovery monitoring program – we provide each participant with the identification and referral for appropriate treatment and provide ongoing monitoring of recovery progress to assist in successful program completion.

We are staffed by a DHP Program Manager responsible for the daily administration and operational management of the program.

DHP contracts with the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System (VCUHS), Department of Psychiatry, Division of Addiction Psychiatry to manage the clinical aspects of the program.  DHP and VCU operate under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining program expectations and responsibilities.  VCU HPMP is staffed by a VCU Program Director responsible for the oversight of the clinical administration of the program and case managers.  VCU HPMP also has a dedicated Medical Review Officer (MRO) and a Division Chair that provides consultation and oversight to VCU HPMP staff.

There also is an advisory nine-member Monitoring Program Committee (MPC) that meets regularly for case decision oversight to the program.  We have eight licensed, certified, or registered practitioners and one citizen member. 

Participation in HPMP is voluntary. Disciplinary action may be avoided and, in the absence of criminal behavioral or Board action, public records may not be generated. For those participants with Board involvement, the VCU HPMP team provides support including participant preparation for hearings and providing the Board with documentation or testimony of monitoring compliance.

HPMP services are available to anyone who holds a current, active license, certification or registration by a health regulatory board in Virginia or a multi-state licensure privilege OR is an applicant for initial or reinstatement of licensure, certification, or registration for up to one year from the date of receipt of their application.

If you or someone you know could use the assistance of HPMP and would like to get started, or have questions, contact the Virginia HPMP toll-free at 1-866-206-4747 or email

 Here to help

Health Practitioners' Monitoring Program