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Sourcing & Contracts

The Office of Procurement Services

The Procurement Office is part of the Administrative and Finance Services  Division of the Virginia Department of Health Professions (DHP). Our office procures more than $5 million in goods, services, materials, maintenance, and technology annually.

Procurement shall be carried out in an effective, economical, fair and impartial manner. All procurement, regardless of fund sources, shall be subject to the laws and regulation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA), Agency Procurement and Surplus Property Manual (APSPM), VITA IT Procurement Policy Manual (Buy IT), and DHP Policies and Procedures. 

We are the authorized procurement authority and contract signature authority for DHP.  All procurements and contracts or agreements are to be submitted to this department in advance.


Sourcing & Contracts


All sourcing opportunities and resulting contract awards with DHP are posted in eVA, Virginia's eProcurement system, under Virginia Business Opportunities (VBO). Vendors who wish to do business with DHP must register with eVA. 

Invitation for Bids, Request for Proposals and Request for Qualifications advertised provide detailed specifications, requirements and instructions for vendor bid and proposal submission, as well as contact information for the contract officer handling each procurement.


Contact Us 

Department of Health Professions
Procurement Office
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300|
Henrico, VA 23233 


Mandatory Statewide Contracts

Before initiating a request to purchase, you are encouraged to research products and services to locate a mandatory supplier contract.

View all Mandatory Statewide Contracts


Mandatory Source List

Office of Fleet Management Services (



Virginia Correctional Enterprises

VCE Printer Cartridges

Virginia Distribution Center

Virginia Industries for the Blind


A Waiver from the mandatory source is required prior to issuing any purchase orders for the products that are sold or produced by the above Mandatory Sources.