A Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) is a therapist who, by education and experience, is a person trained in the appraisal and treatment of cognitive, affective, or behavioral mental and emotional disorders within the context of marriage and family systems through the application of therapeutic and family systems theories and techniques. Supervised post-graduate degree experience is a prerequisite for licensure. You can apply to be a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist by Examination or by Endorsement.
It is strongly recommended that you review the Regulations Governing the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy and the LMFT Licensure Process Handbook before submitting an application.
Professional Status >>> | Education >>> | Supervised Experience Hours >>> | Examination >>> | Action >>> | Application(s) to Submit: |
I have never held a LMFT license in any jurisdiction. | I have a graduate degree from a program that prepares individuals to practice marriage and family therapy. | I have NOT completed:
I have NOT passed the National MFT Examination. | I want to complete post-graduate degree supervised experience towards LMFT licensure. |
Application for Temporary Licensure as a Resident in Marriage and Family Therapy |
N/A | I have a graduate degree but am uncertain if my degree or coursework meet the requirements. | N/A | N/A | I want the Board to provide education guidance on my degree and coursework. I understand this application is NOT | Application for Pre-Review of Education toward LMFT Licensure |
I hold a Virginia Resident in Marriage and Family Therapy Temporary License. | I have a graduate degree from a program that prepares individuals to practice marriage and family therapy. | I have completed:
I have passed the National MFT Examination. | I want to provide clinical marriage and family therapy services in Virginia. | Application for Licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist by Examination |
I hold, or have held, an active, independent, equivalent marriage and family therapy license in another jurisdiction | I met my initial licensing jurisdiction’s education, supervised experience, and examination requirements for licensure. | I want to provide clinical marriage and family therapy services in Virginia. |
Application for Licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist by Endorsement |
Virginia Board of Counseling
Email: Coun@dhp.virginia.gov
Jaime Hoyle, Executive Director
Terry R. Tinsley, PhD, LPC, LMFT, CSOTP, Chairperson