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Laws and Regulations

Laws as of July 1, 2024

Selected sections of the Code of Virginia

Final Regulations

Regulations currently in effect for practitioners under the Board

Click here to obtain a Petition for Rule-making. If you would like the Board to consider amending one of its regulations or rules, you may file a "petition for rule-making". The Board is required to publish your petition in the Virginia Register and post it online at to begin a 21-day comment period on the request. Within 90 days after the comment period or 14 days after its next scheduled meeting, the Board will issue a decision on whether it will grant or deny the petition. A copy of the petition form is provided. You may email the petition to the address below, fax it to the number on the form or mail it to the Board address.


Laws and Regulations Governing All Health Professions


Proposed Regulations 

Amendments to regulations proposed by the Board


Emergency Regulations

Amended regulations in effect for 18 months


Regulatory Town Hall

The Virginia Department of Planning & Budget has designed a Regulatory Town Hall for anyone interested in the proposal of regulations or meetings of regulatory boards.

Duty to Report Adult or Child Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation
By law, the persons licensed as health care practitioners have a duty to report to the Virginia Department of Social Services or the local departments of social services any known or suspected incidences of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of children or elderly and incapacitated adults. Contact information and a copy of the law may be obtained at: Legal Requirements to Report Child Abuse and Adult Abuse

The Adult Protective Services Program at the Virginia Department of Social Services is pleased to announce the availability of an online educational opportunity for mandated reporters of abuse, neglect and exploitation of older or incapacitated individuals. This online training course has been developed for, and with the assistance of, mandated reporters and APS professionals to assist mandated reporters in understanding adult abuse and their responsibilities as mandated reporters. Read about the Online Training for APS Mandated Reporters

Virginia Board of Social Work
Jaime Hoyle, Executive Director
Teresa Reynolds, MSW, LCSW, Chairperson