The mission of the Department of Health Professions is to ensure safe and competent patient care by licensing health professionals, enforcing standards of practice, and providing information to health care practitioners and the public.
An Executive Branch agency in the Health and Human Resources Secretariat, DHP is composed of Virginia's 13 health regulatory boards, the Board of Health Professions, the Prescription Monitoring Program and the Health Practitioners' Monitoring Program. DHP licenses and regulates over 500,000 healthcare practitioners across 62 professions.
Our Health Regulatory Boards license, certify and/or regulate Health Professionals.
Recent graduates, professionals licensed outside of Virginia, and those wanting to reinstate licenses.
Professionals who are licensed in Virginia can renew their licenses online here.
Lookup a license, check doctor's profiles, review case decisions.
The Department of Health Professions receives complaints about Virginia healthcare practitioners who may have violated a regulation or law.
Prescription Monitoring Program, the Health Practitioners' Monitoring Program and the Healthcare Workforce Data Center
Be The Change Website Launches to Recruit Behavioral Health Professionals in the Commonwealth
DHP and other state agency partners launch The new site features career pathways, educational resources, and job listings in the behavioral and mental health workforce. The site targets students and young adults to fill these critical workforce shortages.
Board of Pharmacy and PMP Staff Contribute to Pharmacy Desert Study
A study published in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association identifies and characterizes pharmacy deserts in Virginia, with the goal of simulating potential locations to minimize inequities in pharmacy distribution. Board of Pharmacy staff, including DHP’s Prescription Monitoring Program colleagues, recently participated in this critical research.
Scam Alert
The Virginia Department of Health Professions (DHP) has issued a reminder regarding scams targeting health care professionals.