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Physician Assistant

"Physician assistant" means a health care professional who has met the requirements of the Board for licensure as a physician assistant.

Laws and Regulations

Review state laws and regulations that apply to the board and Licensed Acupuncture.

Applications & Forms

To apply for license to practice as a Physician Assistant, visit the application wizard. For other forms check the applications and forms page.

To obtain information about taking the examination and obtaining certification by NCCPA (National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants), please visit NCCPA's website.

Medical staff person writing on chart

Advisory Board Meetings

Oct 10 2024 1:00PM (Thu)Advisory Board on Physician Assistants
Jun 6 2024 1:00PM (Thu)Advisory Board on Physician Assistants Agenda Draft Minutes
Feb 8 2024 1:00PM (Thu)Advisory Board on Physician Assistants - Cancelled
Oct 5 2023 1:00PM (Thu)Advisory Board on Physician Assistants - Cancelled

To view other board meetings visit the board's full calendar.

Virginia Board of Medicine | Contact the Board
William L. Harp, MD, Executive Director
John R. Clements, DPM, President