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Medicine - Application Wizard

NOTE: This application is not for graduates of Osteopathic medical schools. If you are a graduate of an Osteopathic medical school, please see the Osteopathic Medicine section for instructions on how to apply.

Please choose one of the following:

I am an intern, resident, or fellow and want to apply for a training license

I have completed 1 year of postgraduate medical training and want to apply for a full and unrestricted Medicine license

I have held a Medicine license in Maryland or the District of Columbia

I want to reactivate a Current Inactive Medicine license

I want to reinstate my lapsed or expired license.


Please choose one of the following:

I have not previously held a Medicine license in a US jurisdiction/Canadian province

I have held a Medicine license in a US jurisdiction/Canadian province


Initial Licensure by Application  

What you'll need in order to apply: 

  1. Application and Fee Payment
  2. Transcripts
  3. Examination Scores
  4. ECFMG - International Graduates ONLY
  5. Post Graduate Training
  6. Employment Activity
  7. Professional License Verification
  8. NPDB Self-Query
  9. Malpractice Claims History


To facilitate your license application process, please carefully review the Laws and Regulations that govern the practice of Medicine in Virginia along with the Application Instructions and Checklist to ensure you have all necessary documents before starting your application. When you are prepared to begin, return here and click the Apply Now button.

Click the Apply Now button below to begin the online application process.

Mailing Address 

Virginia Board of Medicine
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300
Henrico, VA 23233-1463

Licensure by Endorsement  

You have indicated that you meet the criteria to apply for licensure by Endorsement

What you'll need in order to apply:

  1. Application and Fee Payment
  2. Employment Chronology
  3. Professional License Verification
  4. NPDB Self-Query
  5. Malpractice Claims History

To facilitate your license application process, please carefully review the Laws and Regulations that govern the practice of Medicine in Virginia along with the Application Instructions and Checklist to ensure you have all necessary documents before starting your application.

Click the Apply Now button below to begin the online application process.

Mailing Address:
Virginia Board of Medicine
c/o Endorsement Desk
9960 Mayland Drive
Henrico, VA 23233-1463

Training License  

Please go to the Intern/Residency/Felowship section for instructions on how to apply for a training license.

Reactivate a Current Inactive status License  


  • The Inactive to Active application is for licenses that are currently in a Current Inactive status. If you want to return to a Current Active status, contact the Board at 804-367-4600, Option 2 for an application.
  • If your license has been in an expired status for less than two-years, you are able to renew it using your established login credentials here. If you need assistance with your login credentials, contact our HelpDesk at 804-367-4444.
  • If your license has been in an expired status for more than two-years, will need to apply using the reinstatement application for your profession.

Reinstatements for Medicine licenses are now accepted online. Please login to the Online Licensing site to begin the Reinstatement process.

Reinstatement occurs after the license has been expired for 2 years. Do not complete this application if your license has been expired for less than 2 years or if you are trying to reactivate a license in inactive status.

Application Instructions for Reinstatement of Medicine license

Please select one of the following responses regarding Active Practice (active practice is defined as an average of 20 hours per week or 640 hours per year).

I have engaged in active practice for 5 years after postgraduate training & immediately preceding application

I have not engaged in active practice for 5 years after postgraduate training & immediately preceding application


Do you hold current certification by one of the following?

  • American Board of Medical Specialties
  • American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery
  • Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians of Canada
  • Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada
  • College of Family Physicians of Canada




Do any of the following apply to you?

  • Denial of license or privilege of taking a licensure/competency exam by any testing entity or licensing authority
  • Conviction of a violation of local, state or federal statute, regulation or ordinance, or entrance into any plea agreement relating to a felony or misdemeanor. (Exclude traffic violations, except convictions for DUI and reckless driving)
  • Denial or voluntary surrender of clinical privileges for any reason
  • Placement on a corrective action plan, placement on probation or dismissal or suspension or request to withdraw from any professional school, training program, hospital, etc.
  • Termination from employment or resignation in lieu of termination from any training program, hospital, healthcare facility, healthcare provider, provider network or malpractice insurance carrier
  • Pending or past disciplinary action against your professional license/certification/permit/registration related to your practice of medicine
  • Voluntary withdrawal from any professional society while under investigation
  • Malpractice suits brought against you in the past ten (10) years

No, none of the above apply to me

Yes, one or more of the above apply to me


Do any of the following apply to you?

  • Restriction on your license in any state, jurisdiction, or Canada
  • License issued by the adjoining state/jurisdiction of Maryland or the District of Columbia is not current, inactive, or lapsed
  • Pending disciplinary matter or investigation by a State Board or licensing authority in any jurisdiction
  • Currently being monitored in a physicians' health program 
  • Three (3) malpractice paid claims against you in the most recent ten (10) year period

No, none of the above apply to me

Yes, one or more of the above apply to me


Licensure by Reciprocity  

You have indicated that you meet the criteria to apply for licensure by reciprocity

Virginia has a reciprocal licensure agreement with Maryland and the District of Columbia. Licensure by reciprocity allows qualified physician applicants who are currently licensed in Maryland or the District of Columbia to forego primary source verification of core credentials. Virginia Board of Medicine staff will obtain electronic verification of licensure from the other jurisdiction prior to issuance of a license.

What you'll need in order to apply:

  1. Application and Fee Payment
  2. Employment Activity
  3. Professional License Verification
  4. NPDB Self-Query

To facilitate your license application process, please carefully review the Laws and Regulations that govern the practice of Medicine in Virginia along with the Application Instructions and Checklist to ensure you have all necessary documents before starting your application.

Click the Apply Now button below to begin the online application process.

Mailing Address:
Virginia Board of Medicine
c/o Reciprocity Desk
9960 Mayland Drive
Henrico, VA 23233-1463

Virginia Board of Medicine | Contact the Board
William L. Harp, MD, Executive Director
John R. Clements, DPM, President