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Application Wizard - Certified Nurse Aide

Please choose one of the following:

I have been certified in another state.

I am applying for certification for the first time

I am already certified as a CNA in Virginia and want to obtain Advanced Nurse Aide Certification

I want to be reinstated as a CNA and/or Advanced CNA


Advanced CNA Certification  

Click the "Apply Now" button below to proceed to the online application for Advanced Nurse Aide Certification.
Read the Application Instructions carefully before proceeding with an application.

In order to qualify as an advanced certified nurse aide, you must meet the requirements set forth under 18VAC90-25-110 (A):
  • Hold current certification as a certified nurse aide in Virginia;
  • Have been certified for at least three years as a certified nurse aide;
  • Have never had a finding of abuse, neglect or misappropriation of patient property entered on a nurse aide registry in any jurisdiction and have not had any disciplinary actions taken by the board within the five years preceding application for advanced certification;
  • Have a recommendation for advanced certification from a licensed nurse who has supervised the applicant in providing direct patient care for at least six months within the past year; and
  • Have successfully completed a minimum of 120 hours of advanced training in an approved program that includes a competency evaluation acceptable to the board.

CNA Reinstatement Applications  

 Certified Nurse Aide

Advanced CNA

Applications for Advanced CNA reinstatement will need to be mailed to:

Virginia Board of Nursing
Perimeter Center
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300
Henrico, Virginia 23233-1463


You May Qualify for CNA by Examination

You will need to visit the Credentia website and schedule the Virginia Nurse Aide Competency Test ("State Board").

You May Qualify for CNA by Endorsement

Click the "Apply Now" button below to proceed with the online application process for CNA by Endorsement (tested and certified in another state).

Checklist Instructions for Certification by Endorsement as a Nurse Aide

Virginia Board of Nursing
Claire Morris, RN, LNHA, Executive Director
Cynthia M. Swineford, MSN, RN, CNE, President