Next Generation NCLEX Case Study Workshop - January 24, 2023
During this workshop, Jason Schwartz, Director of Outreach at the National Council of State Boards of Nursing shared resources and methods designed to assist educators in the development of clinical judgement case studies in the style of Next Generation NCLEX. Topics included an overview of the structure and design of the Next Generation NCLEX case study, elements of successful case study scenarios, introduction to the NCSBN Action Model to create Next Generation NCLEX-style items, strategies for further development of case studies and workarounds for LMS or software solutions that do not support specific NGN item types.
Download a copy of the slide deck. Handouts: Sample Scenario, Action Model Template
Next Generation NCLEX Interactive Workshop - January 10, 2023
During this workshop, Jason Schwartz, Director of Outreach at the National Council of State Boards of Nursing provided an overview of the various changes coming to the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN exams on April 1, 2023. Topics included an overview of the NCSBN Clinical Judgement Measurement Model, Next Generation NCLEX Clinical Judgment case study, the use of trend and bowtie items to measure clinical judgment, partial credit scoring on the exam, and the overall structure of the test including the frequency and placement of the new clinical judgment test content.
Click here to download the pdf version.
Virginia Board of Nursing
Claire Morris, RN, LNHA, Executive Director
Cynthia M. Swineford, MSN, RN, CNE, President